Sunday, October 5, 2008

great photos are all around us, you just have to stop and see them. little things are happening all over the place. since i have started taking pictures, it has made me more aware of my surroundings. i love this time of year, the cool fall air is starting to move in and it wont be long until the trees will start turning beautiful fall colors. it is truly a great time to be alive and to be outside. the new pic i added was recently taken during an afternoon of fishing. the fish were not biting so i decided to pull out my camera. remember, there is way more to life than jobs and responsibilities, so get out there and enjoy it while you still have the time.

-the photo bum

1 comment:

mackmarine said...

Most things are more important than a 'job'. A paying job is simply a way to earn money to allow you do those more important things.